Saturday 30 January 2010

The kindness of (non-)strangers

Do you ever wonder how much people care?

I am not talking about one's parents, one's children, tied as they are with blood. Or even your soul mate, the person you love, and who loves you, more than anything else in the world - except maybe the children you create together.

No, here I'm talking about those people you call your 'friends', your acquaintances, your work colleagues. How much do they truly care? How much do you merit any care?

What has been so illuminating. so enlightening, so enchanting is, however moody, miserable and, to be blunt, how downright obnoxious I can be, is people still do care, despite my best efforts at dissuading them otherwise! From the spontaneous boycott of the 'office party' the day after I was suspended from work 9 days before Christmas (for failing to perform miracles - the impossible we do almost immediately, miracles take a little longer, especially when you are as tired I was) to the good wishes I have received via email and by post, both before and after the stroke, to the hugs, both metaphorical and real, I am truly touched by it all. It is truly heartening, I think, that when push come to shove, people can display such affection for one's blighted soul that it brings tears to your eyes just to think about it.

Even Mugwump climbed on the bed and lay beside me, five minutes after I went to bed for the first time since coming out of hospital as if to say 'I missed you'. (Yes, I know that is anthropormorphising and he was only trying to get warm after my friend had opened every window in the place, while I was hospitalised; and it is bitter here right now! but still).........maybe cats have a rationale, emotions we cannot connect with. Maybe he was genuinely pleased to see me, and not just for a warm torso to lie up against. It would be nice, I think, to believe that were so!

And so to my friends, my colleagues, I say thank you from the bottom of my too shallow heart. To those who have gone the extra mile (and you know who you are), I hope I have rewarded you in an approproriate fashion, to those who just send your support, I value and treasure it. I am not an easy person to go the extra mile for ...:) You will never know how I feel right now, but you are a large part of it!#



  1. If I could bring you a bowle of soup and some wine, I would. Otherwise, I am just here. Been missing you.

  2. You don't have to bring me a bowl of soup, chicken or otherwise. As for the wine, well it no doubt contributed to the mess I was in, so it's is a bit of no-no right now :) Your presence, real or virtual, is all that is required. Nice to have you back!

  3. How was this week across the pond?
