Monday 17 March 2008

Per ardua ad astra

I was going to tell you about the gang's plans today - has to be the best they've come up with since they did the 'Rocky Horror Penguin Show' about five years ago. However in the best novelist's tradition, I'll keep you hanging on for a while. Suffice to say that not only is it ambitious, hence the title today, but they've got to build a 'test rig' on the far side of the bluff, out of sight of the researchers, so they can practise. At the moment, all they have is a vague belief that it's all possible and that THEY can pull it off.

So I'll tell you a little bit about Havelock instead.

Penguins are not generally monogamous for more than one year. That's not to say they can't be, but after everyone returns to sea, you lose touch and it usually isn't the same the following year. So you pair up with someone else. After all it's only a quick shag ( or 100) prior to 4 months of unmitigated isolation with not even a hint of "how's yer father".

Well, Havelock was pretty much like everyone else until............Myfanwy. There's not a penguin alive now that remembers the day that Havelock met Myfanwy and Havelock doesn't ever talk about it. But something happened. For eight years, every year, Havelock would wait on the edge of the ice shelf for Myfanwy to show and show Myfanwy would. Havelock would skypoint like only Havelock can and they would gaily waddle and toboggan their way to the rookery.

Seven chicks they raised, all still here. Then in the eighth year Myfanwy did not return with food when she should have. Havelock tried to keep the chick alive but in the end it became so weak that it fell easy prey to a skua. Havelock has not bred since.

Rumour had it at the time that she was was taken by a marauding leopard seal only metres from the ice. Well I suppose the seal had young to feed as well.

So every year, Havelock hauls himself up onto the ice and marches the long march to the rookery. He helps out, minding eggs, passing on the wisdom of old age, telling tales in the gloomy days when the wind whistles around your ears and the wait seems never ending. Until about 10 days before the eggs are due to hatch. I've no idea how he knows. Then he leaves and returns to the sea.

He returns a couple of weeks later with a full crop of fish and seeks out one of that year's 'Havelocks'. He knows that it's only one chick of many but I think it eases the pain in his gut!

Havelock has been been a true friend to me for as long as I can remember but I suppose that's to be expected .............................. as Myfanwy was my mother.


  1. I'm finally getting somewhere, though I am not sure whether these posts are in true chronological order.

    Still not sure if the "piglet" episode was an imagined penguin or some other creature, if emails are blog posts, or emails.

    If long letters of imaginary friends comfort someone, save them. I'm pretty ruthless about cleaning out signs of insanity, but perhaps that is why I am where I am.

    So much is lost in translation from Penguinese, and British English, not to mention French and whatever else is on the menu for the day.. does wee bosie mean a hug or an unmentionable aspect of anatomy or a stupid bloke?

    And then I wonder if I knew perfectly well what you meant the first time I read each post, I wouldn't have something to endlessly consume my nervous energy which I expend trying on the different possible meanings to see which ones are the most humorous, true, outrageous or unacceptable instead of obsessing about how much is left in the bank account and how long before I succomb to an admin job (and the subsequent mental suicide.)

    Though it much fun to beleive that this is all taking place where penguins live, I still don't know if we are talking Latitude 54 North or Latitude 90 South. I'm certain penguins don't live in the North polar climates. So, I'm confused. Who is where and what is real but as long as I'm not working on my own deficiencies, the point is being made.

    "I don't believe in denial."

  2. Nothing is real! Only this life!

    PS Piglet is real! There is invention but no lie in this blog....
    'Bosie' I suspect comes from 'bisou', the kiss you give to a friend, not 'une baisse', the one you give to a lover. You should try learning French from your daughter ;)
