Saturday 2 August 2008

Attraction, attractions and more attractions

Hello! Fricka here again!

He said to write about what came into my head. And not to be clever! He also said to write about what mattered. Well 'little' Fricka matters but she's not doing much right now, except breaking Cozy's heart (and Sparky's and Stingo's and if truth be known every penguin's in the colony). His little 'heart rending' has done the rounds!

Which got me thinking, uptown, uptempo woman, down town, down beat guy........What attracts you to someone? Or somepenguin? Not when you know them. Not after you've discovered that they have a real sense of humour, are intelligent, creative, good lovers, thoughtful, kind and beneath that brash exterior really quite sensitive. No, when you first meet them. What gives you that little push that makes you want to get to know them better rather than someone else? With us, I suppose, it's how well you do the dance. The sky pointing (definitely daddy's genes there too), the 'stimulus/response' of the courtship ritual. Falling over at the ice edge? But with you?

Are you just as instinctive? Is it all pheromones and body language? Or is there something else at work? It's just that for us, we only have to make a commitment for a few months until the chick is old enough to return to the sea and fend for itself (OK, his lordship and I are a little different, although we will treat little Fricka the same as any other penguin) but you humans? You rear your young for a penguin's lifetime. How do you know that you've made the right decision when you start down that road? Where do you get that certainty from? Your young are so dependent for so long, don't you have to get it right?

And if you believe you do have to get it right, or at least try very hard to, why do you then inflict so much harm, on yourselves, on us, on our fellow inhabitants of this planet, on the planet itself when you obviously care so much about the defenceless, the weak, the impotent? Or perhaps it's because you only care so much for your 'own' that you can inflict so much damage elsewhere. In that way then, you are so like us, except..... we don't have the power to damage anything but ourselves.

I suppose I should learn more about humans (but then I didn't think I was going to be covering a blog to them so....) but you just depress me and I don't want to read about your stupid, selfish, self centred and aggressive attitudes. It makes me sick! Like all girls, I just want to have fun! No, that's not true but he is the down town, down beat guy.

Cozy says his lordship was seen on the ice about 12 hours ago, looking well, and a bulging crop. Hopefully he'll be back tomorrow and I can go and look at Cozy's little pride and joy and HE can write the blog!

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