Friday 18 July 2008

The chick's broken shell

The chick broke shell 2 hours after my last post. She (we have a way of knowing, which I cannot explain) is too small, too frail, too soon.......

We have a little sustinence we can give but it will last only about three days, we have so little left in reserve after so long without real food. I have perhaps one day, maybe two, left. Sparky has proved a real friend, he is minding the chick and has said he will give what he can, when he can...but......and still no sign of Cozy. Was I so insulting?

Why doesn't he understand? He must realise that I was just anxious about the egg. That I didn't mean to lose it. That I didn't mean to hurt him.

I have nothing left now but a tiny hope.

I begin to understand, in ways I never could before, Havelock's pain and why you lot might be religious. After all, when you have nothing left, what's wrong with praying to some omnipotent being for help? If it comes out fine, you can thank the deity and believe you are 'chosen'. That must surely help. If it doesn't then there must, of course, be something wrong with you and you are not worthy of help and must try harder.

Oh please hurry...........

I just wish, now, I hadn't decided Sophocles was what I should be reading! I only wish that I could be as strong as Oedipus at Colonnos. But I am only a penguin.

We have a tradition that the chick is only named after the first real meal (delivered by the mother). It 's always a joint decision. But in this case...................I do not want my daughter going nameless into the void. So I have named her..........and perhaps her mother will approve, perhaps not.............., but she is Fricka now and Fricka for as long as she is here and most importantly she is Fricka wherever she may go.

The bonxies arrived this morning. Please, if you have a God, pray for her........and me....please?

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