Wednesday 7 January 2009

Plastic water bottles and worm holes in space time

Did a little personalisation here this morning. No doubt the penguin will change it all back when he returns but you like to put your own little stamp on things, don't you?

Do you ever wonder whether there are inviduous, secret, unseen forces at work in your life? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some delusional, paranoid maniac, as like as not to take an axe to your head; I know the rest of the world is out to make my life a misery :) but a strange thing happened this week.

I'm fairly hot on recycling and my local Council make a collection every Wednesday of materials for recycling. So, on Tuesday evening, I go to the back door and pick up my (plastic) bag full of plastic water bottles etc and put it somewhere nearer the front door, while I get my rubbish bagged ready for the bin men who come the same day. (Strange, we still call them bin men even though no-one uses dustbins anymore - and they would not empty them anyway - if it is not bagged in a black plastic sack, forget about getting your rubbish collected.) I put the rubbish out but cannot find the plastic bottles. They are not in the flat, they are not where I thought I left them, they are not out front with the glass for recycling. Where are they? I had and have absolutely no idea! It's as though a worm hole opened up in space time and my Volvic water bottles just disappeared into another universe. My wee flat is small, it's hard to hide anything. I have gone round and like A A Milne I have 'made the kind of noises that plastic likes to hear'; but to no avail. Where on earth can my Volvic bottles be?

Oh, I hear you cry, a surfeit of vino collapso/Milk of Amnesia! But no! I could not find them on Wednesday morning (6.00 am for the Paul Simon freaks among you) either. It cannot but make you wonder whether the reality we perceive is not all the reality that there is to perceive. Perhaps the mice have evolved to eat and process plastic. Perhaps if only I could catch one, my financial future would be secured. I could breed whole farms of mice who feed on plastic and use their droppings to generate electricity, thus solving the world's energy crisis at a stroke and thereby providing me with a f*ck off ocean going yacht and the wherewithall to buy fuel for it as well as poking my finger in Putin's eye. I'll leave poking him elsewhere to you!

So, if you have any theories about the fate of my water bottles, please email me at

My upstairs neighbour of nine years finally moved out before Christmas and, while it seems uncharitable, I can only say 'Good Riddance!' A less considerate neighbour it would have been hard to find, I think. Many's the time the strains of 'Will you shut the f*ck up, it's 3am!' have been heard wending their way skywards from my kitchen. It's hard to feel any kind of 'human bond' with someone who considers it de rigeur to crash through the front door at 4am, slam shut said door and then make his way upstairs in a manner not unakin to Juggernaut. A herd of elephants would have been tiptoeing mice by comparison! Any complaints about unwarranted noise were usually met with accusations of homophobia, the last resort of a scoundrel? Ah well he's gone now. :)

Not sure quite what the arrangement is now. I met one occupant just before Christmas at around 11pm and she seems nice enough, tho' it's difficult to tell if she's the sole occupant or not. Bar gaggles of Mwa Mwa Girlies :) turning up on the doorstep most evenings, it's all been as quiet as one could possibly hope for in such buildings as these (Edwardian terraced maisonettes prone to the transmission of structure borne noise having wooden floors and solid walls). Mugwump and I live in hope of an existence which is more in keeping with the peace and solitude we prefer. I'm quiet, except when blasting Wagner out during the housework, and I never could see why other people couldn't be the same.

Still there is a downside. I suppose I'll have to clear the jungle that passes for a garden in the spring (too damn cold at the moment). I may get complaints if the howler monkeys don't stop their early morning chatter and if they ever see the leopard, well..........


  1. I regret to inform you that the plastic bottles showed up at my place this morning scattered about the street with labels half-torn. It seems the bandits who made off with them thought they had found a new type of glass.

    When they found they'd been duped, they pitched them out of a moving vehicle along the side of the raod; but not before they paid an exhorbitant tarrif to have them brought across the sea to the New World.

    Stupid Cats!

  2. I'm sorry. I shall try to tie the bag up more securely in future. Funny, though. A Casablanca moment. Of all of the bars, in all of the world.....:)

  3. Well, there either are an enormous amount of coincidences, and they are what they are- or else, there are no coincidences at all, but some unseen energy ....

    I think I might know what you will say to this, but suprise me.
    And I like the purple, but I'm not certain I believe it suits you-how I imagined you, at least.

  4. In an infinite universe, the infinite is not only possible but highly likely so blind chance is all that is required to generate coincidence we can perceive.

    Such a simple solution is all that a simple man such as me requires. If others wish to make complex that which I perceive as simple, so be it. They have the same choices I do.:)

  5. Click Physics Course on the post and you will be at the proper link. :)

    The American

  6. Thank you.

    I will also be taking a math course, so fear not. I will conquer my fear of math if it takes me the rest of my life, a trip across the Pyrinese (SP?), and a huge bottle of some sort of alchohol.

    I will. I will face my fears of math and conquer them one by one. Math is not just for boys, so there.

    Very soon, you will be saying that my school girl math is better than your big - boy math.

  7. I have no doubt you will! :) You've always struck me as an obstinate, bloody minded sort of sod :)

    It's 'Pyrenees' and yes they separate France from Spain with tiny Andorra sandwiched in the middle. They are best crossed at the extreme ends (east and west) where it's flat :) Otherwise there's a lot of uphill walking :) Sometimes straight up! Much used by escaped allied prisoners en route to Portugal in WWII.

  8. I read your comment and smiled. Then, I drove the 50 minute drive back home from the coffee shop near the college and I frowned and then smiled and then frowned again. I hope I am NOT bloody minded.

    I would like to be sweet again, some day. After I am done fighting to get the life I want. Please don't ever let me be bloody toward you. That isn't the type of person I aspire to be.


    'le amerlo'

  9. Sometimes 'bloody minded' is good, as in 'I WILL get through this' and sometimes not as in 'No, I will not apologise, I am right!' The only person we ever have a right to be bloody minded towards is ourselves :)

    Une petite lecon de francais. The French do not like vowels following the pronouns that end in 'a' and 'e' and so drop the 'a' or 'e' from the pronoun and replace it with an apostrophe to avoid that awkward 'eh ah' or 'ah eh/ah ah' sound. So 'J'aime' (I love) not 'Je aime'. 'L'amerlo' not 'Le amerlo'.

    It does not however apply to the other vowels so 'Tu aimes'(You love) not 'T'aimes'.

    Unlike English, eg 'I haven't' for 'I have not' this is not confined to spoken or reported speech. It applies to the written word as well. Nice of the French to make it simple, I think :)

  10. Je t'en prie- how to translate? How to say?

  11. Here we'd say 'You're welcome!' What's above is the 'familiar', ie for family, friends or adults to small children. Otherwise, and most common because it's what waitresses, shopkeepers etc say to customers, 'Je vous en prie'
